Timo Soini at SuomiAreena: One cannot bully people

Foreign Minister Timo Soini stated at the SuomiAreena event that the originally positive concept of populism has become negative in modern Finland. According to Soini, populism originally meant to work on behalf of people’s affairs, talk in their language and to care for people. The spreading of racist or fascist content on social media is not populism, or if it is, then the word is ruined. According to Soini, the disintegration of The Finns Party last month is due to the fact that the traditional values ​​of the party did not exist anymore after the Jyväskylä party congress. Soini emphasized the importance of co-operation in policy making.

Niinistö responded to citizens’ questions: Finland would help Estonia in war situation

President Sauli Niinistö responded to citizens’ questions at Pori’s SuomiAreena event for about an hour on Wednesday. Many citizens were concerned about immigration. Niinistö rejected the idea that immigrants get more support than Finns. He said he understands people’s concern. If a situation like in 2015 would happen again, with tens of thousands of refugees arriving, it would be problematic for Finland’s overall economy. Asked about NATO, Niinistö said this is above all a question of security. He is satisfied that Prime Minister Sipilä did not close the door to Finland’s NATO membership. Niinistö also notes that he does not like to play war games, but that Finland would help Estonia in the event of a war.

Finns shocked by EU Parliament’s decision on forests – Nils Torvalds: « Many European MEPs have no clue about good forestry »

HS writes that Finns are shocked by the EP Committee for Environment’s vote, which took a harsh stance towards the effects of Finnish forests on the EU climate policy. MEP Nils Torvalds (ALDE) says that many European MEPs understand nothing about good forestry and that a lot of work is required to change the mind of the MEPs before the plenary. MEP Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE) says that Finland was made to suffer from low forest cuts of the past years. The Finnish Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners MTK also expressed their dismay.

Foreign minister Timo Soini comments on situation of deported orphan Zaki in Afghanistan: ”I understand this plight”

Foreign Minister Timo Soini commented on the situation of the 19-year old orphan Zaki, who has been deported to Afghanistan last week, at SuomiAreena. A woman in the audience asked Soini about what measures the authorities are taking to get the Afghan back to Finland as he is in danger in Afghanistan. Soini said he understands this plight. He reminded, however, that in Finland deportations are based on court decisions and that a minister cannot just interfere. Minister Kai Mykkänen commented at the same panel discussion that considers the meeting between presidents Trump and Putin at the G20 summit positive. The meeting had the potential to have dangerous elements. Mykkänen also assessed that Russia might be shifting its focus on the improvement of its economy after the foreign political disputes of recent years.

Free trade agreement between Japan and the EU? Mykkänen: « There is a real possibility »

The EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström met Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo on June 30th, discussing a free trade agreement. Ms Malmström said that a broad agreement could be ready for signing on Thursday, July 6th. Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen believes there is a real chance that a political consensus about the agreement will be reached by then. He says the sensitive issues in the overall agreement relate to the access of European food products on the Japanese market and to the concessions the EU will make to customs duties for cars imported from Japan. Mr Mykkänen estimates that the European market opening up to Japanese competitors would not create any significant challenges for Finland and notes that the trade agreement could increase Finland’s exports of lumber, health technology and food products to Japan.

Finland joins JEF troops today – Timo Soini, what is it about?

Finland joined the British-led Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) today. Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini says there is no need to dramatise the matter but that the goal is to simply strengthen security. Mr Soini does not wish to speculate in what kinds of situations the troops could in the future be used but states that it is important that Finland is involved in extensive cooperation that it can benefit from in the form of training and new information.

Media:  Demokraatti.fi
Date: 30.6.2017
Journalist: Johannes Ijäs
Main source: Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini

Minister Kai Mykkänen is not afraid that Finns’ jobs will disappear to China – « as an open economy we will do what we are best at »

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen believes that the rise in the standard of living in Finland would not have been possible without foreign investments. Mr Mykkänen believes that promoting free trade can bring Finland plenty of new business opportunities. The minister is not concerned that the increase of Chinese investments in Finland would result in Finnish jobs disappearing abroad but believes that behind the investment boom is China’s need to control overheating in its own economy. Mr Mykkänen points out that international trade requires commitment to the same basic rights but admits that China is a challenging country when it comes to e.g. getting it to comply to the international basic rights of workers.

Working group proposes doubling EU innovation spending – Finnish industry dreams of additional funds worth hundreds of millions

A high-level working group proposes that the EU double its spending on research and innovation. Finnish industries think that in the future, Finns may have better chances to get money from the EU since Finnish views have been been taken into consideration in the group’s report. Jorma Turunen of the Technology Industries of Finland says the EU’s significance as a supporter of Finnish businesses and universities has increased as Finnish investments in research and innovation have dropped. It is unclear whether the EU will be able to help as the Union’s budget faces pressure from Brexit.