This is how to get Finland to rise – economists say what the government should decide


Nordea’s Chief Economist Aki Kangasharju and head of the Labour Institute for Economic Research Seija Ilmakunnas tell Taloussanomat, what the government should decide about budget for the country’s economy to rise again. Most of the suggestions by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment should be put to use in order to make the economy grow, Mr Kangasharju comments. However, this is not likely to happen, he adds. Tax reduction prevents the further decrease of purchasing power, but it will not really increase due to inflation, Mr Kangasharju explains. Both Mr Kangasharju and Ms Ilmakunnas would support employment by giving opportunities for studying to the unemployed. Mr Kangasharju speaks for making studying easier and possible with earnings related unemployment security. The unemployed should also be compelled to accept work in new fields of life and further from home and the period of earnings related unemployments security should be shortened and tiered.

Media:  Taloussanomat

Date: 1.9.2016

Journalist: Jussi Nukari, Saara Niskanen

Main source: Nordea’s Chief Economist Aki Kangasharju, head of the Labour Institute for Economic Research Seija Ilmakunnas

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