Finnish Forest Industries: “Only profitable production stays in Finland”


VATT Institute for Economic Research criticises the industry compensations of EU emissions trading while the Finnish Forest Industries thinks compensation is needed in order to keep factories in Finland. VATT Economist Marita Laukkanen says that according to research, emissions trading does not cause carbon leakage nor does the competitiveness of Finnish industries depend on the price of electricity. Timo Jaatinen, CEO of the Finnish Forest Industries, says that the purpose of the EU emissions trading system is to make sure that European clean industries do not move to countries with less tight restrictions.

Media:  Maaseudun Tulevaisuus

Date: 26.9.2016

Journalist: Jarmo Palokallio

Main source: Marita Laukkanen, VATT Economist; Timo Jaatinen, CEO of the Finnish Forest Industries

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