Petteri Orpo: EU defence cooperation is also in the interests of the US

Verkkouutiset writes that according to Finland’s Minister of Finance Petteri Orpo, worries over the weakened security situation in Europe and the US demands of more fair burden sharing have made it clear that Europe must take responsibility for its own defence. Orpo says that tightening the European defence cooperation is the long-term goal of Finland in the EU. However, the EU will not become a defence union. Nato and EU will be complementary structures, and tightening EU cooperation does not contradict Nato. For Finland, both cooperating with Nato and developing EU defence is very important.

Media:  Verkkouutiset / Nykypäivä
Date: 28.11.2017
Journalist: Heikki Jantunen
Main source: Minister of Finance Petteri Orpo

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