Ilkka Kanerva: No reason to be over-enthusiastic in defence policy

At the moment there are bilaterial, trilateral and multilateral defence collaboration projects in Europe. This has an impact on Finland due to the more difficult security policy situation in the Baltic Sea region.

Ilkka Kanerva, Chair of the Finnish Parliament’s Defence Committee, told Verkkouutiset that Finland should not be too enthusiastic about defence issues. Finland needs to make its own decisions based on its own views, he added.

According to Mr Kanerva, it is very difficult to decide which defence collaboration projects would be Finland’s priorities. He emphasised that Finland systematically improves its defence ability and starts new collaboration projects with partners.

Mr Kanerva lists the three most important sectors in which Finland has improved its defence. Firstly, Finland has focused on improving its military performance significantly. Secondly, it is quickly expanding its international collaboration network and thirdly it is improving its legislative preparedness. They all play an important role in Finland’s strategy.

From the European Union’s Pesco collaboration, Finland selected those projects that contribute to improving Finland’s military performance and partnerships, Mr Kanerva explained. He finds that international peace keeping and crisis management should be Finland’s core tasks.

Date: 26.5.2018
Journalist: Arno Rydman
Main source: Ilkka Kanerva, Chair of Finnish Parliament’s Defence Committee

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