Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen criticises strongly a report by NGO Finnwatch that suggests that Finnish development aid funds have been used in questionable investments. According to the report, state-owned development finance company Finnfund had invested through funds e.g. in fossil fuels, meat production and private schools. Mr Mykkänen points out that the investments mentioned in the report are old and similar investments would no longer be made. He says the majority of Finnfund’s investments this decade have been in renewable energy and other priority industries targeted in Finland’s development policies.
Catégorie : Presse Finlandaise
Timo Soini on North Korea: « The situation is worrying »
The situation in North Korea was one of the topics at the meeting between Nordic, Baltic and British foreign ministers in London on 4 September. Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini estimates that China has the biggest opportunity to influence North Korea. He notes that the situation is worrying even though an escalation is not in sight. Mr Soini believes it is in the interest of Russia and China to maintain the status quo as increased tension would immediately affect their borders. He says that in such a situation small countries can mainly advice superpowers to continue to negotiate.
Finnish environmental technology of interest as urbanisation continues
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Team Finland have published a world market report, which shows that Finland’s opportunities in exports have grown despite the uncertain world markets. Urbanisation increases particularly the need for clean environmental solutions such as water, waste water and renewable energy. The share of services has grown in Finnish exports. Though the TTIP negotiations are no longer advancing, Finland succeeds in the US clean technology markets. Thanks to the CETA agreement between EU and Canada, Finland can enter markets in arctic seafaring and energy production. Furthermore, Finland is negotiating with several Asian countries.
Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini: Situation in North Korea must be solved with diplomacy – « I do not want to imagine what a different kind of solution would bring »
Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini hopes that a diplomatic solution can be found with North Korea to stop the military defiance. North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Japan on the night between 28 and 29 August. Mr Soini says the situation is very difficult but parties should still be able to solve it through negotiations and notes that superpowers China, Japan and Russia are in key roles. He points out that it is important to keep in mind that what happens in the Korean peninsula affects the whole world.
Media: Helsingin Sanomat
Date: 29.8.2017
Journalist: Anni Lassila
Main source: Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini
Soini amazed: « Texas is swimming in biblical spheres », still Niinistö’s meeting was not postponed
Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini believes President Sauli Niinistö’s meeting with his US colleague Donald Trump is a significant recognition of the relationship between the two countries. Mr Soini estimates that the United States wanted to express that the two countries have had lots of practical co-operation in e.g. crisis management operations and that Finland plays a part in ensuring stability in the Baltic Sea region. He says it is worth noting that Mr Trump gave preference to the meeting with Mr Niinistö and parted to inspect the storm damages in Texas later. The minister believes that the US appreciates Finland’s pragmatism when it comes to actions and statements.
Niinistö had to refute Trump’s words about fighter jet deal: « The news is a canard »
President Sauli Niinistö was forced to correct a statement about a fighter jet deal made by US President Donald Trump during a press conference after the presidents’ meeting in Washington on 28 August. At the press conference, Mr Trump stated that Finland was buying several F-18 fighter jets and other military equipment from the United States. Directly after the press conference Mr Niinistö posted a message on Twitter stating that the news about the F-18 jets is a canard.
Media: Iltalehti
Date: 29.8.2017
Journalist: Jari Himanen
Main source: President Sauli Niinistö
Niinistö’s careful diplomacy worked with Trump – Short catch phrases and small enough steps helped advance issues
President Sauli Niinistö told Finnish reporters in Washington on Tuesday that he considered carefully how to best move forward in environmental issues with US President Donald Trump. He decided to discuss only environmental protection in the Arctic, as Finland is the current chair of the Arctic Council and experts are unanimous about the impact of the ice melting in the Arctic. Mr Niinistö says the two presidents also had a lengthy discussion about Russia and that he tried to contribute to even a slight improvement in the relationship between the US and the EU. The president estimates that it was easy to establish dialogue with Mr Trump and is glad that Mr Trump had ensured that the dialogue would continue.
Prime Minister Sipilä: Government not under pressure to change immigration legislation
Prime Minister Juha Sipilä says the Finnish government is not under any particular pressure to make changes to immigration legislation after the terror attack in Turku. Minister for European Affairs, Culture and Sports Sampo Terho has demanded that Finland introduce new terorism legislation. Mr Sipilä, on the other hand, wants to speed up the reform of intelligence legislation and hopes the law will be passed under an expedited procedure.
Media: STT Mediapankki
Date: 21.8.2017
Journalist: STT
Main source: Prime Minister Juha Sipilä