EU Foreign Ministers not threatening to cut off membership negotiations with Turkey – Soini says that the problems will not be resolved by cutting ties

EU decision-makers disagree about how to handle the EU membership application of Turkey, which is becoming more and more authoritarian. Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini says the majority of member states are critical but believe that dialogue with Turkey should be continued and notes that the negotiations should not be ceased since they are not progressing anyway.

Media:  Helsingin Sanomat
Date: 28.4.2017
Journalist: Pekka Mykkänen
Main source: Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini

Finnish export companies already hesitant about US market because of Trump’s trade policies

Finnish companies are hesitant about entering the North American market because of US President Donald Trump’s protectionist trade policies. According to Manu Virtamo, Consul General of Finland in New York, especially smaller businesses may be putting off investment decisions because of the general uncertainty. Columbia University professor Anu Bradford estimates that it would be easier for Trump to advocate import duties for all countries, instead of just China and Mexico, which means that they could also affect Finnish businesses. The Consulate General still encourages Finnish businesses to attempt conquering America and not to give up.

« An increase in recycling requires radical means »

Lassila & Tikanoja (L&T) is the biggest waste management and recycling company. According to Jorma Mikkonen, Director for Corporate Relations and Responsibility at L&T, at current volumes, recycling is a profitable business, but the Government should act to make recycled materials financially attractive. In Finland, only about 40 per cent of mixed waste is recycled, and the country will not meet the EU’s 50 per cent recycling target by 2020. The EU is tightening its recycling target to 70 per cent. Jorma Mikkonen says that « radical policies » will be required to meet this target.

”Does a party advocating for an EU exit belong in the Government?” – Coalition veteran gives harsh assessment

MP Pertti Salolainen, Vice-chair of the Finnish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, urges Prime Minister Juha Sipilä to interfere in the Finns Party’s demands of an EU referendum in Finland. The collapse of the Finns Party in the municipal elections has started a discussion of an EU exit that endangers Finnish foreign policy and security and hurts Finland’s international image. Mr Salolainen says a party advocating for an EU exit has no place in the Government. He thinks it is clear that there will be no referendum and the discussion only serves the purposes of the next parliamentary elections.

Whole Finland’s secret: Martti Ahtisaari’s 80th birthday surprise exceeds 200,000-euro milestone – « We could not imagine this would be such a hit »

Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari turns 80 in June, and in celebration a campaign, Don’t tell Martti, has been launched to raise funds for the crisis management organisation CMI founded by Ahtisaari. The trick is that the campaign is supposed to remain a secret from Ahtisaari until his birthday, and CMI has asked the media to refrain from mentioning it in print and broadcast media. According to Elina Lehtinen, Head of Communications at CMI, the campaign has already exceeded expectations by raising more than 200,000 euros. The majority of the donations are from private citizens, and the average sum 15 euros.

Soini: French people have spoken, old parties collapsed

Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini states that the traditional parties collapsed in the first round of the French presidential election. He notes that the French people have spoken. Mr Soini expects the second round, between independent centre candidate Emmanuel Macron and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen, to be interesting.

Media:  Satakunnan Kansa
Date: 24.4.2017
Journalist: STT
Main source: Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini

Media sector unions urge Government to lower digital VAT

Unions representing the media sector and publishers urge the Finnish Government to lower the VAT on digital publications. The unions say they are happy that the Government has supported the European Commission’s proposal to lower the digital VAT. The unions note that the lowered VAT should be put to use as soon as it becomes possible in the EU.

Media:  Verkkouutiset / Nykypäivä
Date: 19.4.2017
Journalist: Heikki Jantunen
Main source: –

Surprise turn in Finnish economy – « This does look good »

According to Statistics Finland, production in Finland was 3.0% higher in February 2017 than in February 2016, and production in January 2017 3.7% higher than in January 2016. OP’s Chief Economist Reijo Heiskanen pointed out on Twitter on Monday that the Finnish GDP has grown for two consecutive months. Also Nordea’s Chief Economist Aki Kangasharju is more confident than before and says it will interesting to see how far this development will last. He points out that the acceleration of economic growth must stem from investments.

Media:  Iltalehti
Date: 17.4.2017
Journalist: Mika Koskinen
Main source: Nordea’s Chief Economist Aki Kangasharju