Mykkänen: Do not trade with firms that have connections to North Korea

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen urges Finnish businesses to be cautious when trading with Chinese or Russian companies that have connections to North Korea. Mr Mykkänen believes US President Donald Trump’s threat of stopping trading with countries that trade with North Korea is unrealistic, but he says one option could be that the United States poses sanctions against companies that trade with North Korea in China and Russia. Mr Mykkänen estimates that stopping trade completely between the United States and China would be an impossible situation, and China’s countermeasures would affect Europe and the western world as a whole.

Media:  Taloussanomat / Ilta-Sanomat
Date: 4.9.2017
Journalist: STT
Main source: Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen

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