According to the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK), the sustainability criteria of solid biomass is a significant threat to Finland’s forestry industry and agriculture. As a part of its renewable energy directive RED II, the Committee for Environment of the European Parliament would classify various peat energy sources as non-renewable. MTK considers that the criteria should also allow the production of bioenergy with raw materials produced in sustainably nurtured peat forests and fields. The EU Parliament’s Environment Committee is expected to vote on the sustainability criteria in the end of this month.
Media: Karjalainen (E-edition, PDF)
, Keskisuomalainen (E-edition, PDF)
, Savon Sanomat (E-edition, PDF)
, Turun Sanomat (E-edition, PDF)
Date: 4.10.2017
Journalist: STT
Main source: –