The Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen discusses the TTIP agreement in KL. He believes that it will continue proceeding after the presidential election in the US even though both of the candidates are negative about it. Minister Mykkänen says that the situation is challenging but not hopeless. However, he thinks that the agreement will not proceed quickly as it is a long process and there is still a lot to negotiate. According to Minister Mykkänen, the TTIP has raised false ideas and monsters. However, he highlights the European Union’s negotiation mandate which takes all these worries well into account. Minister also mentions that free trade would create new jobs.
Media: Kauppalehti (E-edition, PDF)
Date: 21.9.2016
Journalist: Paul Öhrnberg
Main source: The Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen