Editorial: Co-operation to fight terrorism

Turun Sanomat writes in an editorial about the importance of co-operation between European countries to fight terrorism. The EU is planning to increase co-operation in the field of security. Britain has long experience with decades of terrorist attacks by the Irish IRA.

Media:  Turun Sanomat
Date: 24.5.2017
Journalist: not available
Main source: n/a

Column: Renaissance of trade policy

Upi Talsi writes in a Turun Sanomat column that free trade and trade limitations have recently made the headlines, and the renaissance of trade policy began with the TTIP negotiations. Now, it is said the negotiations have « entered the ice age » along with President Trump. The free-trade agreement between EU and Canada, CETA, was signed in autumn 2016, while the free trade agreement between EU and South Korea took effect in 2011. According to Mr Talsi, since then EU’s exports to South Korea have doubled. He points out that free trade agreements benefit Finland.

Kai Mykkänen’s dryish greetings to Sampo Terho: We are permanently part of Europe

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen rejects Minister of European Affairs Sampo Terho’s idea of holding an EU referendum in Finland. Mr Terho argued that his generation did not have a chance to vote on the matter. Mr Mykkänen noted that we cannot have every generation voting for EU membership – Finland is permanently part of Europe. Mr Mykkänen says he hopes that ministerial-level office-holders did not speak like this. Mr Mykkänen regrets that a more positive attitude towards integration has not spread to Finland.

Media:  Verkkouutiset / Nykypäivä
Date: 17.5.2017
Journalist: Alberto Claramunt
Main source: Kai Mykkänen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development

Minister for Foreign Trade Mykkänen: « Supply of skilled workforce concern among foreign investors »

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Development Kai Mykkänen estimates that the fear of a lack of skilled workforce is slowing down foreign businesses’ investments in Finland. Mr Mykkänen believes Finland should invest in increasing engineer training and marketing know-how in order to get international businesses interested in the country.

Media:  YLE Uutiset
Date: 16.5.2017
Journalist: Carolus Manninen
Main source: Minister for Foreign Affairs and Development Kai Mykkänen

« The system grinds slowly » – Minister for Foreign Affairs Soini hurried up EU member state defence decisions

Minister for Foreign Affair Timo Soini hurried up decision about defence cooperation at the meeting of EU foreign ministers on 15 May. Mr Soini says he did this because taking care of security also requires structures. According to Mr Soini, Finland has made it very clear that it wants to advance in defence cooperation.

Media:  Demokraatti.fi
Date: 15.5.2017
Journalist: STT
Main source: Minister for Foreign Affair Timo Soini

Soini glad about Arctic Council ministerial meeting declaration

Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini says he is glad that the foreign ministers of the Arctic Council member states reached an agreement on a declaration that acknowledges the existence of the effects of climate change. In his opening speech, Mr Soini emphasised the importance of work against climate change and of the Paris climate agreement. The chairmanship of the council transferred from the United States to Finland at the meeting. Finland has emphasised that, during its chairmanship, the work of the council will focus on fighting climate change, while the United States’ stance on climate change remains unclear.

President Niinistö commented on relations between superpowers – « It is the factor that very clearly affects this relationship »

President Sauli Niinistö estimates that the relations between superpowers Russia and the United States are not as icy as believed. He does not expect any major changes in the relations in the near future because the objectives of the Minsk agreement have not been met. Mr Niinistö discussed relations with Russia on Thursday when he met President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and noted that it would be good to start a certain kind of chain of détente. The presidents also discussed the future of the EU, and Mr Niinistö estimated that the biggest threat has been avoided with the win of Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential election.

National Audit Office of Finland criticises Finland for lack of transparency in development co-operation

The National Audit Office of Finland (VTV) demands Finland to improve the transparency of the use of funds in multilateral development co-operation. According to VTV, development co-operation is also too fragmented which makes it more difficult to coordinate actions and hinders information flow and reporting. VTV gives the Ministry for Foreign Affairs positive feedback for the ministry’s systematic efforts to develop the effectiveness of development co-operation and for active participation in international organisations financed by Finland.

Media:  Aamulehti
Date: 9.5.2017
Journalist: STT
Main source: –