Sauli Niinistö: « So much has changed in geopolitics »

President Sauli Niinistö believes the European Union must strengthen itself so that it is not a pawn but has a clear and independent role. Mr Niinistö emphasises that geopolitical uncertainty has increased particularly between the United States and Russia, and the relation between the two countries seems to be disintegrating at a surprising speed. According to the president, Finland has been a driving force in EU defence cooperation.

Media:  Talouselämä
Date: 1.7.2017
Journalist: Katja Incoronato
Main source: President Sauli Niinistö

Business idea based on moss receives million support from EU

Finnish company Novarbo Oy has received 2.44 million euros from the EU Horizon 2020 programme to develop the production of a new kind of substrate for greenhouse cultivation. A part of the Biolan Group, Novarbo makes biodegradable and sustainable substrate boards out of peat moss and calls the product Mosswool. The EU funded project starts in September and goes on for two years.

Media:  Maaseudun Tulevaisuus
Date: 28.6.2017
Journalist: Henrik Hohteri
Main source: n/a

Sipilä: Finland has « strong allies » in defence cooperation – Germany and France agree on EU projects

According to Finland’s Prime Minister Juha Sipilä, the tightening of EU defence cooperation is happening swiftly. He says that the goals of France and Germany are similar to Finland’s goals. There have been dreams about EU defence cooperation for decades, but the US President Trump has made EU countries start taking action. Finland was speaking for EU defence last summer, when Sipilä and former French President Francois Holland published a joint communique advocating the deepening of EU defence cooperation and Nato relations. EU leaders hope to agree upon structural cooperation at the end of the year.

Support for development cooperation on the rise in Finland: more and more would raise aid level

85% of Finns believe development cooperation is fairly or very important, a survey commissioned by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs shows. The share of Finns who believe development cooperation is very important has increased as has the share of those who would like to raise development cooperation funds. When it comes to targets of development aid, education gains the most support from Finns, followed closely by helping women and girls.

Media:  YLE Uutiset
Date: 29.6.2017
Journalist: Lauri Miikkulainen
Main source: -0101

Soothing message from British trade minister: No plans for statutes that would hinder export by Finnish businesses

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen met with British Minister of State for Trade and Investment Lord Price on 22 June. According to Mr Mykkänen, Lord Price said Britain has no intention of setting up a customs barrier and that the country plans to hold on to e.g. product standards and testing requirements even after leaving the EU. It has been a year since the Brexit vote, and Mr Mykkänen says it is unfortunate that there have been only few answers to questions that are important to Finland. Mr Mykkänen estimates that the meeting with Lord Price indicated that Britain might in the future rely more on the WTO, which may be a good thing for Finland.

Finland ranked third in the EU’s innovation comparison

Finland is in third place in the latest annual European Innovation Scoreboard published by the European Commission on 20 June. Sweden and Denmark top the list. Finland places first in the finance and support innovation areas. Compared to 2010, Finland’s innovation performance has, however, weakened.

Media:  Verkkouutiset / Nykypäivä
Date: 20.6.2017
Journalist: Heikki Jantunen
Main source: –

Battle for carbon sink bearing fruit – investments worth billions at stake in Finland

The twist on LULUCF details is about to take a turn that is positive for Finland, believes Sylvain Lhôte, Director General of the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) which is also striving to make changes to the proposal that would turn forest use into emissions. The Finnish government’s stance is that it is impossible to at the same time reduce emissions, increase the use of renewable energy and limit forest use, and also the extensive investments in bioeconomy in Finland require an increase in forest use. Recently there have been positive tones in the European Parliament. Lhôte says Finland should try to convice other member states that they too can utilise forests in a sustainable way.