Minister Mykkänen would allocate EU funding for know-how and security instead of agriculture

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen predicts that there will be changes to EU regional and agriculture policy after Brexit. He says it is in the best interests of Finland if Europe develops as a region based on know-how, research, and security, which is why the main focus of EU funding should be on these sectors. He also comments on the Monetary Union by saying that in the EMU structures, there should be a clear sentence ruling out the joint responsibility of debt as well as defining how a member state go bankrupt.

Sauli Niinistö adopted different stance from Trump on three major issues in his UN speech

In his speech at the UN general assembly on Wednesday, President Sauli Niinistö adopted a different stance from US President Donald Trump on three major issues: the North Korean nuclear threat, the Paris climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal. Mr Niinistö emphasised that, with North Korea, a solution can only be sought through negotiations in which the North Korean regime will have to participate without terms and noted that, as a EU member state, Finland supports sanctions against North Korea and urges others to do the same. Mr Niinistö also supported the Iran nuclear deal as well as the recent negotiations between the US and Russia which he hopes will restart arms control negotiations both in Europe and globally. The President emphasised the need for a rapid implementation of the Paris climate agreement.

Niinistö: Modernising the UN to reflect people’s needs is a good idea

President Sauli Niinistö supports the idea of modernising the UN with people’s needs as the starting point. He is, however, aware that it takes more than words to modernise the organisation. Mr Niinistö spoke to reporters in New York and commented also on the international climate agreement and US President Donald Trump’s stance. He mentioned that in his own discussion with Mr Trump he avoided using the word climate change and instead discussed the Arctic and fighting black coal emission which fall under the category of fighting climate change.

Media:  Aamulehti
Date: 18.9.2017
Journalist: STT
Main source: President Sauli Niinistö

Soini: Dialogue with North Korea needs to begin

Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini says the UN security council needs to begin dialogue with North Korea in one way or another. He hopes China and Russia will use their influence and points out that also the North Korean leader must be able to show to his people that he is negotiating because he is taken seriously as a negotiation partner, not because he is weak. Mr Soini participated in the ministerial conference of the Community of Democracies hosted by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Washington. In his speech he discussed radicalisation and stated that societies need to show resiliency and not give in to terror.

Finland allies with France in EU defense – Juha Sipilä told Yle he had agreed with Macron

Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä (Centre) has said on the YLE’s Haloo Europe podcast that Finland has allied with France to build a common European defense, and that he had agreed on this with the French President Emmanuel Macron. Mr Macron has started his European tour in Athens, during which he intends to present his vision for reforming Europe. According to Mr Sipilä, the development of a joint European defence is expected to advance in leaps and bounds after the German election at the end of September.

Media:  Verkkouutiset / Nykypäivä
Date: 11.9.2017
Journalist: Sami Metelinen
Main source: Prime Minister Juha Sipilä

A win for Finland’s forest industry in the crucial vote – European Parliament’s stance making additional cuts possible

The European Parliament has voted to support the proposed change to the LULUCF decision regarding the Finnish forests. The vote will probably allow Finland to significantly increase logging in the coming years. The legislation will be later formulated in the negotiations between the European Parliament, the European Commission and the member states. Environmental organisations have criticised Finland for its effort to gain exceptional rights, which could endanger the efforts against climate change. MEP Nils Torvalds (ALDE) said that the change proposal will not undermine the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

Media:  Helsingin Sanomat
Date: 13.9.2017
Journalist: Pekka Mykkänen
Main source: –

Minister Kai Mykkänen: Juncker « bowing to France and giving China the finger » in the supervision of investments issue could provoke a trade war

Finland’s Minister for Foreign Trade Kai Mykkänen is concerned about European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s proposal to create a system on the EU level to supervise investments coming from third countries. Many member states are especially worried about Chinese investments in strategic sectors, but Mr Mykkänen says that the power should rest in the hands of the member states. Mykkänen is afraid that the measure might provoke a trade war. Mr Mykkänen does support Mr Juncker’s promises to advance free trade deals with Japan and Latin American countries.

Media:  Helsingin Sanomat
Date: 13.9.2017
Journalist: Pekka Mykkänen
Main source: Minister for Foreign Trade Kai Mykkänen

Arms trade is a hundred billion euro business

Member states of the international Arms Trade Treaty are gathering to Geneva this week. Finland has presided the agreement for a year with ambassador Klaus Korhonen as chairperson. The Finnish Committee of 100 criticises Finland for selling arms to Saudi-Arabia and the Arab Emirates while acting as chair of the treaty. Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini assures that the rules for arms export are very tight but notes that it is no use if Finland unilaterally and categorically bans arms export e.g. to the Middle East. According to Mr Soini, the most important thing now is to strengthen the treaty and that progress has already been made.